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If you've been looking for a way to strengthen your

deep core and pelvic floor muscles ...

I've got you!

hey you!

If you've been looking for a way to strengthen your deep core and pelvic floor muscles ...

I've got you!


Deep Core-Pelvic Floor

(A step by step program to help you build a strong and functional core for pelvic health)


Deep Core-Pelvic Floor

(A step by step program to help you build a strong and functional core for pelvic health)

Are you ready?

Take back your core and learn all the components and moves to make your core adapt!

You will be amazed at the new muscles you find that can work for you!

Less back pain, less leaks, and a stronger foundation for your whole body system.

You will be amazed at how much easier life is with deep core strength. It trickles to more parts of your life than you even realized. The videos are short in length, around 15 minutes to help you fit it into your weekly schedule. Think of it as PT for your core and dedicate a small amount of time to regaining lost stability and control. Mandy guides you through her signature movements with cues and helpful transitions to get you sleepy muscles wake up!

Best of all, no subscription! A one time payment and you keep it forever!


Yes, Sign Me Up for This!
You know it!

Let Me Guess

You never knew there was a way out of feeling weak in your core, your pelvic floor leaks, and just plain old stuck...until now!

My goal is to empower you to take back your deep core strength and understand how to engage and relax the right muscles and train your body from the deep core to the pelvic floor. Your body will respond and you will feel so much better.

Core stability is the foundation to mobility, total body strength and living the life we want to live, without our body holding us back!

And you've probably found yourself in the same cycle...

  • You tell yourself you need to work your core more but don't have a plan to follow
  • You aren't quite sure how to do it correctly and don't know where to go in order to get started
  • You don't think you have enough hours in the day to get it done
  • Not sure where to start or what to do

I hear what you are saying and have helped 1000s of people just like you.

The struggle is real to get your core stronger. But we don't have to struggle! This program is a labor love from from over 2 decades of experience and education. The people I've helped feel better because they learn how to engage their core. They tell me how empowering it is to take their body back and KNOW what to do! Understanding the forgotten muscles that play a part in your deep core and pelvic floor is where we start and then we progressively challenge those muscles in new ways. Taking one small step to have 7 progressive core and pelvic floor follow along videos in your back pocket can change the trajectory of where your core strength is headed.

Our deep core muscles are getting older and can stop working for us if we don't use them. Remember the saying, use it or lose it? Well that definitely applies to our core! Without proper maintenance and a proven program to follow, it can be what ends up happening. Maybe you are there now? I've got you covered with a comprehensive program that will have you excited about the new possibilities. From less back aches, to improved hip and shoulder mobility to less leaks...this is the way to take back your quality of life!

Simply begin where you are.

There are no prerequisites to this! It's for any body!

If there's a move that's too hard for you, skip it and move on. You can come back to it and as your body starts loosening up and moving better, it will come!

The good news is I have a 10 week program you can do to follow along. I also enclose a welcome video that teaches you how to use this program. You are not alone anymore, let me be your guide!

Stop leaking!

There are ongoing jokes that if we do certain movements, leaks happen. Sometimes we laugh about it but it's a real problem and I am here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way. Start believing that adaptation works-because it does!. The body will adapt to these movements. Become addicted to feeling strong and engaged in your core and gain confidence you used to have about the muscles that support your pelvis.

Imagine if...

  • Your back aches and pains started to fade
  • Your leaks were no longer a part of your life
  • You smile knowing you have a plan to follow and someone to guide you where you want to go with your deep core integrity
  • You finally felt empowered because you know what to do in order to feel better
  • You had a greater sense of awareness with your body 


What if you partnered with me in this program and started feeling more empowered to do the things you've always wanted to do. This program can help you feel more connected and whole because you are now taking the time to care for yourself in a new way.

In 15 minutes or less you take back your body with a system that can make a big difference.

Little by little...your core strength will adapt to this movement.


People are re-claiming their deep core and pelvic floor health every single day. It never gets old to hear how aches and pains fade, leaks are a thing of the past and folks feel more empowered than ever because of the simple and effective core moves found in this program.

It's pushing through old belief patterns that our bodies always have to feel this way and it will only get worse. 

Because that just isn't true! 

For just $49 you could be feeling the difference

Get Started Now >

Who is your pelvic floor coach?

Me! I'm Mandy Froehlich

Self-Proclaimed Anatomy Nerd. Passionate about the medicine of movement.

After a close call with a serious injury at the age of 16, Mandy is convinced the gift of movement is to be practiced and celebrated.  She worked for years to regain mobility and health in her spine due to a fractured neck from a bad car accident. She's dedicated the past 20 years to helping others feel better in their body as a personal trainer.

She is also a mom to 3, over 40 and has taken the personal journey to regain her deep core and pelvic floor after pregnancies and through the process of aging. Her spinal health amazes her doctors from her previous neck trauma. She lives most of her days pain and leak free from the use of these movements. They really work and she wants to share the goodness with you!

Mandy is also a 500 Hour Registered Yoga Teacher, Pilates Instructor and overall curious wellness seeker. Her journey to understand the science of movement was born with a master's degree in exercise physiology.

Since then she's worked with 1000's of clients and has come to understand feeling great in our bodies requires just a few important factors: a willingness to try something new, a curiosity to listen to our body for feedback and a structured program to follow from someone who is a little further ahead on the journey, a reliable guide.

"Love this program! The sound quality, the set and mostly the moves! So happy to be learning from you!"

Alexis R

"I am hooked! I feel such a difference now that I can't go back to who I used to be. This program is LIFE CHANGING! Run and grab it!!"

Jen J


the  program breakdown

The Basics

Total Body Core


Small Ball Work

Block Work

All Adductors

Wall Work

The power of a program that gets you where you want to be in no time.

This is your ticket to something new!


Let's get you started!


Not only will you get instant access to the course materials but you'll get any future updates I throw in! 

Deep Core - Pelvic Floor Program



Everything you need packed into a few minutes per day.

  • The Basics

  • Total Body Core

  • Relaxation

  • Small Ball Work

  • Block Work

  • All Adductors

  • Wall Work 

Get The Magic of a few minutes a day for only one payment $49 USD ($99 value). You keep the program forever and don't have to worry about monthly reoccurring fees!


Still got questions?

I got you!

"Mandy is so knowledgeable and offers such a well guided program to grow.

I have learned so much I didn't know about my core and what it takes to get stronger."

Megan P

"As a busy mom, I cannot tell you how much this has changed my life. I used to hate core work and now I look forward to it with the variety of videos Mandy has in this program 10-15 minutes per day is sooo doable!"

Sarah G

My Last Piece of Advice

Simply begin. That can be the hardest step. The analysis paralysis. We can stay in our thinking brain way to long which prevents us from stepping into our doing brain-our body.

This program is the doing. Get into your limbic system (doing part of the brain) and start nudging your deep core and pelvic floor strength improvements today. Any program I wasn't sure about but had a gut feeling I needed, I never regretted. In fact, I always looked back and smiled at the choice I made to step in. Sometimes that can be the hardest choice.

Choose you.

Embrace movement as medicine.

And let's do it together. 

See you on the inside!
I'm Ready to Join!

You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. This is particularly true if you (or your family) have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease, or if you have ever experienced chest pain when exercising or have experienced chest pain in the past month when not engaged in physical activity, smoke, have high cholesterol, are obese, or have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in physical activity. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately.

This site offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.

Developments in medical research may impact the health, fitness and nutritional advice that appears here. No assurance can be given that the advice contained in this site will always include the most recent findings or developments with respect to the particular material.

If you are in the United States and think you are having a medical or health emergency, call your health care professional, or 911, immediately.